Jiang Zemin Appoints Nine Ambassadors

Chinese President Jiang Zemin appointed and replaced a number of ambassadors on December 8 in accordance with a decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

Shi Yanchun replaced Wu Minmin as China's ambassador to the Syrian Arab Republic. Zhou Guobin will take over from Shi Yanchun as ambassador to the Yemen Arab Republic.

The new ambassador to the Republic of Togo will be Yin Yubiao, who replaces Jiang Kang. Lu Yongshou was appointed ambassador to the Republic of Ghana, replacing Li Zupei.

Yuan Guisen replaced Tao Miaofa as ambassador to the Republic of Slovakia, and Chen Delai will take over from Tao Miaofa as ambassador to the Republic of Bulgaria. The new ambassador to the Republic of Albania will be Zuo Furong, who replaces Ma Weimao. Li Changhe replaced Yan Peng as China's ambassador to the Czech Republic.

Hu Xiaodi was appointed China's permanent vice-representative to the Geneva Office of the United Nations and other Switzerland- based international organizations, and ambassador on disarmament affairs to the United Nations, replacing Li Changhe.

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