Myanmar, Macao Open Air Link

Myanmar and Macao, which is to return to the sovereignty of China on December 20, have opened air link with charter flight of the Myanmar Airways International (MAI) between the two regions.

The inaugural flight took place between Yangon, the capital of Myanmar, and Macao last Saturday, official newspaper The New Light of Myanmar reported Monday.

Quoting MAI Chairman U Maung Maung Ohn, the report said the WA-G Developmental Group had chartered the Boeing-737 (400) aircraft of the MAI to run the Yangon-Macao air route for 10 flights up to February 2000.

Relations between Myanmar and Macao would be more cordial and there would be closer contacts, the report added.

Macao is the fifth extended destination of the MAI after Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong.

The MAI is a joint venture airline between the state-run Myanmar Airways and the Highsonic Enterprise Private Ltd. of Singapore established in 1993.

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