SW China to Be Hot Spot for Archeological Research

Chinese archeologists agree that southwest China will be a hot spot for archeological research in the 21st century.

The experts came to this conclusion at the annual conference of the Archeological Society of China, which closed on November 28 in Chengdu, the capital of southwest China's Sichuan Province.

More than 100 Chinese archeologists attended the six-day conference and discussed important research developments in China. Of the 80 academic papers presented at the meeting, half dealt with the topic of southwest China and the Three Gorges area.

In recent years, Chinese archeologists have found a number of historical sites and an abundance of cultural relics in southwest China including the 2,300-year-old Sanxingdui Site and Ruins of Baodun Town.

The conference was the tenth major event held by the society since it was founded in 1979.

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