Shanghai Offers Assistance to Western China

China's largest metropolitan business center, Shanghai, has provided 480 million yuan in free assistance over the past three years to help the development of poor areas in western China.

In 1996, the central government called on Shanghai, as part of a massive aid-the-poor program, to assist the development of Yunnan, Tibet, Xinjiang and the Three Gorges reservoir area.

Over the past three years, Shanghai has built 314 Hope Schools and 126 medical care units in these areas and has provided training for nearly 20,000 officials at different levels.

In addition, the municipality has invested nearly 500 million yuan to develop 134 economic cooperation projects in these poor areas.

In line with a recent plan, the city will help 3,000 indigent households in Yunnan's mountainous area to build new houses, accommodate migrants from the Three Gorges area, and construct more basic facilities in Tibet and Xinjiang.

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