Direct Shipping Across Taiwan Straits Grows

Latest statistics from the ports in east China's Fujian Province show that direct shipping between Fujian and Taiwan maintained steady growth in the first ten months this year.

During this period, the ports of Fuzhou and Xiamen handled more than 1,400 voyages and 284,800 TEUs (Twenty-Foot Equivalent Units), up 37.8 percent over the previous year.

Direct navigation across the Taiwan Strait began on April 19, 1997, and six shipping companies have taken part in these trial cargo shipments with their monthly cargo handling ability now increased from 10,000 TEUs to 30,000 TEUs.

By the end of this year, approximately 340,000 TEUs are expected to be handled for the whole year on this route, and the prospects for the direct shipping across the strait is very good.

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