Arab League Ready to Host Somali Reconciliation Conference

The Arab League voiced readiness to organize a conference aimed at forging national reconciliation in Somalia in Cairo on November 21.

Arab League Secretary General Esmat Abdel-Meguid told Egypt's Middle East News Agency that the pan-Arab forum will cooperate with the UN, the Eastern African Inter-Governmental Authority on Development, the European Union and other parties concerned in helping realize peace in Somalia.

Somalia has been in division since 1991 when former President Siad Barre was toppled. In 1997, the world community mediated an agreement among the Somali factions on forming a central government. But the factions have failed to implement the agreement due to disputes and distrust.

Abdel-Meguid blamed the Somali faction leaders for the failure to advance the peace process and the deterioration of the situation in the Horn of Africa country.

He urged all countries, especially Somali's neighbors, to stick to a UN Security Council resolution banning exports of weapons to Somalia and respect its sovereignty.

The league is to form a committee on Monday to discuss future drives aimed at helping realize peace and stability in Somalia, the agency said.

The coming period will witness intensive efforts exerted by regional and international organizations, and some other parties concerned, the agency quoted officials of the league and some Somali factions as saying.

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