Tianjin Becomes Leading Electronics Production Base

Tianjin Municipality in north China has now become a leading electronics production base with the total output value for its foreign-funded electronics firms alone reaching 27.66 billion yuan (3.3 billion US dollars), statistics show.

Quite a few transnationals in the information industry including IBM, AT&T, and Motorola of the United States, Germany's Siemens, Japan's NEC and Matsushita, and Samsung, Daewoo and Hyundai of the Republic of Korea, have set up their factories in the city.

Its nice investment environment and the country's speedy development in the economic sector in the past few years has ensured foreign investors attractive economic returns, said local officials, adding that the city has already set electronics as one of its four pillar industries.

Motorola's profits for this year are expected to be 400 million USdollars. And Samsung and Matsushita have planned to increase their investment this year by 30 million US dollars and 16 million US dollars respectively.

Tianjin, an old industrial base in China, is where the country' s first televisions and telephones were made. (Xinhua)

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