Head of UN Mission in E. Timor Starts Work

The head of the new United Nations mission in East Timor started his first full day of work on November 17, UN spokesman Fred Eckhard said.

The top official in the territory is Sergio Vieira de Mello, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs.

He was named by Secretary-General Kofi Annan as his Special Representative for East Timor and the head of the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) soon after the Security Council endorsed Annan's plan to set up the mission on October 25.

UNTAET was mandated to take charge of all affairs in the 800,000 inhabitant territory until the transition to its independence is completed in a period of two to three years.

Eckhard said de Mello, who arrived in the capital of Dili Tuesday, met with the commander of the International Force in East Timor (INTERFET) Gen. Peter Cosgrove and with the outgoing acting head of the UN mission Ian Martin Wednesday morning.

In the afternoon, he met East Timor independence leader Xanana Gusmao.

Indicating the improvement of the security situation in East Timor, Eckhard said military escorts for de Mello are no longer required as "all roads in East Timor have been designated as secure by INTERFET".

As a sign of reconstruction, seeds for planting are being distributed throughout the territory and 15,000 agricultural tool kits are being distributed this week, Eckhard said.

The 9400-strong nearly-two-month-old INTERFET said Wednesday that it sees Mid-January fit to pass East Timor peacekeeping to the UN with the improvement of the security situation there.

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