UK Queen Unveils Government Program for 2000

Britain's Labor government on November 17 set stable economic growth and employment as its main targets for the coming year. Queen Elizabeth outlined the government's program in a speech to parliament that showed Prime Minister Tony Blair's uncompromising attitudes on welfare reform and crime.

"My government's aim is to promote fairness and enterprise, providing people with real opportunities to liberate their potential," the queen declared.

"(But) the central objectives of my government are high and stable levels of economic growth and employment."

The government plans to present 28 bills with the main emphasis on welfare reform, crime and improving Britain's creaking transport system.

The wide-ranging anti-crime measures aim to fulfill Blair's "tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime mantra."

Government officials emphasised five key bills:

-- a crime bill focusing on "the menace of drugs;"

-- a sweeping transport bill to regulate rail travel better, improve bus services and introduce charges to free clogged roads;

-- a welfare reform bill tackling parents who refuse to pay for their children and the creaking pensions system;

-- an e-commerce bill to help Britain dominate the internet;

-- local government laws to extend the idea of city mayors to the whole country.

The government will also extend its terrorism laws to include religious groups and animal rights extremists.

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