Four British Girls Arrive in Xi'an On Camels

Four British girls have arrived in Xi'an on camels on their eight month trek along the world- famous Silk Road.

The four girls started their 8,000-kilometer trek from the University of Edinburgh on March 19 and trekked across the Central Asian country of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Xinjiang Autonomous Region and finally arrived in Xi'an on November 17.

Many people in the ancient city of Xi'an greeted the four girls enthusiastically and lavish them with high praises. And they were amazed to see the camels which they only ever seen in the zoo.

Sofia, one of the four girls, told reporters that the reason they chose camels is simply because "we wanted to travel just the same way people have for centuries along the Silk Road." Before reaching China, the four girls rode horses as their means of transport.

Parents of two girls flew to Xi'an and met them on Wednesday morning. "I feel very proud of my daughter. No one has done this before," said one of the fathers.

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