Russia Backs UN Efforts on Cyprus Issue: Diplomat

A Russian diplomat said in Nicosia on November 16 that Russia will discuss at the United Nations Security Council the UN invitation to the two sides of Cyprus for indirect talks over the divided island.

Speaking after meeting with Cyprus' House of Representatives (parliament) Speaker Spyros Kyprianou, now the acting president, Russian Charge d'Affaires to Cyprus Sergei Rokov said Russia will back the UN efforts aimed at a settlement to the Cyprus issue.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has extended invitations to Cypriot President Glafcos Clerides and Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash to "proximity talks" at the UN headquarters in New York.

Rokov pointed out that Russia supports a solution based on the relevant UN decisions.

Annan said on Sunday that both the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot sides have accepted to invitation to appear at the talks on December 3 to prepare the ground for "meaningful negotiations" towards a comprehensive settlement.

Asked to comment on the fact that Annan's invitation does not refer to the UN resolutions on Cyprus, Rokov said "this is something which we will discuss in New York with Mr. Annan and the permanent members of the UN Security Council."

He said Russia "will surely support" the secretary-general's effort so as to secure "good results."

As for his meeting with Kyprianou, Rokov said they discussed various issues of common interest which covered the current situation on Cyprus and bilateral relations.

Cyprus has been divided into the Turkish Cypriots-controlled north and the Greek Cypriots-dominated south since 1974 when Turkish troops invaded and occupied the northern third of the island in the wake of a failed coup seeking union with Athens.

Efforts to settle the Cyprus issue have remained deadlocked over the past two years as the Turkish Cypriots, backed by Turkey, insist that their breakaway state in northern Cyprus be internationally recognized and talk with Nicosia on state-to-state basis.

The Turkish Cypriot entity is recognized only by Ankara.

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