Sinn Fein Pledges Not to Use Force for Political Purposes

The Sinn Fein, the political wing of the Irish Republican Army, pledged on November 16 to oppose the use of force for political purposes.

It said in a statement issued in Belfast that disarmament was an essential part of Northern Ireland's peace process which could be achieved with the help of the authorities in charge of arms decommissioning in Northern Ireland.

"Sinn Fein accepts that disarmament is an essential part of the peace process," said Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams.

"We believe that the issue of arms will be finally and satisfactorily settled under the aegis of the de Chastelain ( disarmament) commission as set out in the agreement," Adams said in a statement.

He added that the Sinn Fein was totally committed to peace and democracy and was definitely opposed to any use of force or threat of force for any political purpose.

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