Rear Services Reform in Higher Educational Institutions Accelerated in Shanghai

To advance the development of economy and reform in higher educational institutions Shanghai has worked for a speedy reform of rear services from a type of "logistic service undertaken by universities on their own" to one " market oriented".

In the place of this there has been developed a new type of market-oriented rear services socially run in the way a normal competitive system has been established. There is now a market-oriented service system that has been formed to include over 20 higher educational institutions in Shanghai. Among these are 10 enterprise-based service centers, 26 supermarkets, 10 linkage dining halls, 330,000 square meters of dorms and 500,000 square meters of department buildings for teachers. With a whole set of policies as guidelines for reform work worked out, Shanghai has led all other domestic counterparts in making a change to rear services in higher educational institutions in China. Its concrete practices are as follows:

First, they provide enough dorms and department buildings for students and teachers. To find a solution to students' dorms and accommodations for teachers, being a problem of top priority facing rear service reform in higher educational institutions, Shanghai municipality sees to it that all college students and teachers are well accommodated with new department buildings built or bought and new rentals made.

Second, logistic service renovations are made to guarantee the carrying out of service reform. As is demanded for making a success of the reform, "Shanghai University Rear Service Center" and " Shanghai University Rear Service Development Center" as two massive service centers have been founded.

Third, cut the costs of rear service. Considering the demand for abundant commodity supply from markets and large-size consumption in higher educational institutions, Shanghai municipality sees to it that a central management center is organized among the universities to reduce management costs.

Fourth, improved logistic service quality is sought. The city sees to it that the workers' enthusiasm for logistic service be brought into full play in the way a social enterprise system is introduced to participate in university logistic service competition, thereby a raise of logistic service quality.

The above-mentioned measures aside, banks and various social economic entities and enterprises have also with their help further been sought. As is reported, Shanghai Branch of the Construction Bank of China has provided in the process of service reform a loan of 145 million yuan for campus infrastructure construction in higher educational institutions in Shanghai.

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