Chinese President Meets US Government Delegation

President Jiang Zemin highly praised Chinese and U.S. negotiators for their hard work which led to the signing of a bilateral pact on China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) on the afternoon of November 15.

He said the signing of the agreement is of "great realistic and historic significance" and will help accelerate the process of China's entry into WTO.

Jiang made the remarks at a meeting with the U.S. government delegation headed by Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky and National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, this afternoon at Zhongnanhai, the site of China's central government.

The U.S. delegation is here to hold negotiations with the Chinese government delegation led by Shi Guangsheng, minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation, on China's WTO accession.

Jiang said that "You have held negotiations with the Chinese delegation headed by Minister Shi Guangsheng during the past days and nights. It is delightful that China and U.S. have eventually reached the agreement thanks to our concerted efforts."

"Where there is a will, there is a way," the president said, quoting an old Chinese proverb. The signing of the China-U.S. bilateral agreement on China's WTO accession "is of realistic and historic significance," he said.

Jiang expressed his belief that the signing of the agreement " will help accelerate the process of China's entry into WTO and promote the overall development of China-U.S. trade and economic cooperation."

It will also be conducive to the improvement and development of China-U.S. relations, and bring about a new driving force for the development and prosperity of the world economy, he said

Barshefsky told Jiang that she had made a phone call to President Bill Clinton before the two sides signed the agreement. President Clinton entrusted her to extend gratitude to President Jiang on his behalf.

According to Barshefsky, President Clinton considered the agreement is possible just because President Jiang views and handles the bilateral negotiations for China's WTO entry from a strategic perspective.

Sperling said the agreement was inked based on the great sincerity of both sides. It is a good agreement for both sides and one of historic significance for the development of US-China relations.

Jiang said that the signing of the agreement between China and US fully demonstrates the two sides should examine and handle major events that are closely related to the interests of both the Chinese and American peoples and the people of the world as well, from the strategic perspective geared to the 21st century.

He said since he first met with President Clinton in Seattle, U. S., in 1993, they have frequently exchanged views on China's entry into the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, later the World Trade Organization.

He again made a phone call on November 7 this year to President Clinton, during which they decided to quicken the pace of negotiations between the two countries and make efforts for a good, mutually beneficial agreement.

According to Jiang, both sides have adopted an overall point of view and made unremitting efforts in line with the spirit of equality, mutual benefit, mutual understanding, mutual compromise, and seeking common ground while leaving difference aside. It is just because of this that we have overcome all difficulties, properly handled and resolved all differences, and finally achieved the "win-win" results, he said.

It can be said that as long as both the Chinese and US sides take firm hold of the fundamental interests of the two peoples, respect each other, treat each other with sincerity, we are certain to push the bilateral ties forward steadily, Jiang said.

Jiang requested Barshefsky to transfer his greetings to President Clinton.

He stressed that China will unswervingly push forward the reform and opening-up drive, steadily expand the mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries in the world, and continue its efforts for the establishment of a complete and open international trading system so as to make positive contributions to world peace and development.

Also present at the meeting were Chinese Vice-Premier Qian Qichen, State Councilor Wu Yi, Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC) Shi Guangsheng, Vice Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, and MOFTEC Chief Negotiator Long Yongtu. (Xinhua)

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