An Efficient Part by Financial Asset Management Companies Necessary

To further the reform and development of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China, a strategic decision has earlier been made by the 4th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee called in Beijing.

Following this, debts are to be paid in a transfer of ownership of asset shares by a number of key state-owned enterprises (SOE) deeply indebted at a time when non-performing assets are handled by state-owned commercial banks. There have been founded four financial asset management companies in the place of these. This is a practical step in translating into practice the "Decisions" of the 4th Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee in handling non-performing assents so that further reforms are carried out and new advances made by the country's SOEs. "It is completely necessary for China to have an efficient part to be played by financial asset management companies in handling non-performing assets. It is also an indispensable step in carrying out reform of the whole financial system in China", says the article. "But things have to be done proceeding from reality and new ways have to be further explored for doing a good job of handling the country's non-performing assets when a complete success is to be made of SOE reforms in China. It should be the starting point of all financial assets management companies in China that good services are provided in order successful SOE reforms are carried out", urges the article.

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