120 Million US Dollars Promised to "Cradle of Engineers"

Two Chinese central government departments and a provincial government promised to give one billion yuan (120 million US dollars) in the next three years to Harbin Polytechnical University in a cooperation deal sealed in Beijing November 14.

According to the agreement, the Ministry of Education and the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense will give 300 million yuan each, and Heilongjiang Province will earmark 400 million yuan, respectively, during 1999-2001 to Harbin Polytechnical University, also known as China's "cradle of engineers."

The terms of the deal said that the university should improve its research and academic strengths so as to produce more talent, achieve scientific and technological achievements in national defense and technology-related fields, and play a greater role in new and high-tech research and their commercialization.

Located in Heilongjiang Province, the university has been one of China's top schools. The two ministries also promise to give any necessary financial support to the university after 2001.

Among those present at the signing ceremony were Chen Zhili, minister of Education and Liu Jibin, minister in charge of the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, and Yang Shiqing, president of the university.

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