Grassroots Communist Units Urged to Fight Falun Gong: Paper

A commentary to be published in November 15's edition of the People's Daily calls on the grassroots units of the Communist Party of China (CPC) to stand at the forefront of the struggle against the notorious Falun Gong cult.

The Party's grassroots units have played an important role during the recent decisive battle against Falun Gong, says the paper.

To win the decisive victory over Falun Gong, these units should further channel their energy to become the leading force at the grassroots level in the battle against the cult.

It requires political awareness and a sense of responsibility to be good leaders leading the struggle, the paper stresses.

It also urges the grassroots units to further understand the nature of the cult of anti-science, anti-humanity, anti-society and anti-government, saying that the struggle is a serious, political one, on which the destiny of the Party and China hinges. "The units ... should further strengthen and improve their ideological work and do a good job in educating the great majority of Falun Gong practitioners so as to isolate and strike blows at the very small number of die-hards followers," the paper says.

Grassroots units should be depended on to organize the struggle against the cult, repair damage it has caused, and solve the issues brought about by the cult, it says.

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