Swedish Company Enhancing Cooperation With China

A leading official of the Swedish ball bearing company, SKF, announced in Shanghai this week that it will expand business cooperation with China, building more joint ventures in Chinese cities over the next few years.

SKF, a leading ball bearing firm in the world, has over 20,000 kinds of products in the fields of railways, harbor construction, metallurgy, paper-making, power and cement.

The firm set up its first office in Shanghai in 1989 and later opened offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, Dalian, Nanjing and Xi'an cities.

To date, SKF has formed the SKF (China) Investment Co. Ltd, SKF Automotive Bearing Co. Ltd, Beijing Nankou SKF Railway Bearing Co. and Anhui Zhong Ding CR Seal Co. Ltd. Its investment in China totals 600 million yuan, said Tang Yurong, general manager of SKF (China) Co. Ltd.

It has also opened a maintenance center in this regard in Beijing and will build another one in Shanghai next year.

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