Private Business People Want Children To Pursue Education Not Business

A survey reveals that more than 90 percent of private business people in Shanghai prefer their children to find a job with government, research and education departments rather than to follow their footsteps in becoming private business people.

Respondents are from 286 self-employed families. Of these families only 3.5 percent of them wish their children to pursue private business endeavors.

More than 80 percent of parents hope that their children will become college graduates. 98 percent of parents share the view that their success in business is not as important as their children's future.

Some 93 percent of parents responding to the survey have a high school education. Efforts are called for more suggestions and instructions to help improve the education of self-employed households in Shanghai.

Shanghai now has about 200,000 private business people who lead a better life compared to other social groups.

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