International Education Exhibition Opens

China International Education Exhibition opened at the Beijing International Exhibition Center on November 12.

The Expo aims at promoting education exchanges and joint-sponsorship of higher learning institutions between China and other countries. More than 140 colleges and secondary schools from 16 countries and regions have come to the expo.

Xu Jialu, vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony.

The United States, Britain, Malaysia and Thailand have sent large delegations to the exhibition. Some Sino-foreign sponsored institutions of higher learning are also attending.

China's education has become a new growth industry accompanied by increasing Sino-foreign academic exchanges and more Chinese students pursuing further studies abroad.

"This exhibition provides a good opportunity for schools, students, agents and research institutions to have first-hand communication," said Liu Bin, president of China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE).

The exhibition hall is crowded with students and eager parents looking for schools. Consultants could hardly stop for a drink as they answered countless questions.

China's education market is huge, said Patrick T. Fong, executive director of the U.S. IEF Education Foundation, adding that he would try his best to provide systematic information about the more than 4,000 U.S. institutions of higher learning in the States including secondary schools if necessary.

The expo will be going to Shanghai. The organizing committee has registered a website on the internet (, which will open to the public next month.

The exhibition is co-sponsored by CEAIE and China International Corp., supported by the Ministry of Education and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

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