China to Add Anti-Cult Education to Rural Campaign

The Chinese Ministry of Health (MOH) plans to include anti-cult and anti-feudalism education in a five-year campaign in the rural areas, said MOH Minister Zhang Wenkang at a national conference held in Beijing on November 12.

The campaign, which was launched in 1994, is aimed at helping villagers gain medical knowledge, the minister said.

The official said they will try to create an awareness that the evil nature of cults like that of Falun Gong is still rampant in some localities.

In some backward areas, patients still believe in China's traditional God of the Earth while in some cases, family members still share one towel.

According to the minister, over 108,000 video tapes and audio tapes and 75,000 copies of health care textbooks have been distributed among villagers across the country.

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