Palestinians Reiterate UN Resolutions

Nabil Abu Redina, adviser of the Palestinian National Authority, reiterated that the United Nations Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 as well as the principle of land-for-peace constitute red lines for the Palestinians.

In an interview with "Voice of Palestine" radio Thursday, Abu Redina said the ongoing final status negotiations are a test of Israeli government's attitudes towards implementing the signed agreements and its commitment to peace.

He said the United States' follow-up and sponsoring of the talks would help activate and enhance the peace process.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said recently that the two UN resolutions did not apply to the Palestinian case, claiming that they were related to only the conflict between Israel and Arab sovereign states such as Syria and Egypt.

But he backed away from this position in the wake of Palestinian and US rejection of his interpretations.

According to a statement released Tuesday by the Israeli Prime Minister's Office, Barak agreed Monday evening that resolution 242 would be the grounds for negotiations with the Palestinians, "though it was clear that it would be changed in the course of agreement."

He indicated that the "Sharm el-Sheikh memorandum included a phrase to the effect that the two parties reaffirm their understanding that negotiations and the final solution will lead to the application of Security Council resolutions 242 and 338."

The final status talks, officially initiated Monday, were resumed on Thursday in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

US coordinator of the peace process Dennis Ross will arrive in the Middle East next week in an effort to push the negotiating process forward.

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