Website in Shanghai OK after Hacker Attacks

Nothing indicates that a hacker has broken through the defense system of the computers of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone Network Development Co. Ltd., an official of the company announced in Shanghai on November 11.

In mid October, the company installed defense software on its website: http://, and invited the world's hackers to attack it through the Internet.

From October 13 to 31, more than 100,000 Internet fans visited the website, clicked the web pages 100,020 times, and attacked the defense system 76,250 times.

Sources said that 57,823 attacks came from IP (Internet Protocol) addresses in other countries. The longest attack lasted 15 days and was launched by a Canadian hacker.

Some 9,727 attacks were from domestic IP addresses, including an attack of 7 hours from Beijing.

At the busiest time the system was attacked 1,253 times per second.

This activity, the first of its kind in China, was designed to test the capability of the computer defense system and ensure the safety of the network. (Xinhua)

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