Sino-Portuguese JLG Works Well for 12 Years

Over the past 12 years, the Sino- Portuguese Joint Liaison Group (JLG) has been working well in dealing with the affairs related to Macao's power transfer from Portugal to China on December 20 this year.

The comment was shared by the chief representatives of the two sides of the liaison group at a press conference here Thursday evening. The chief representatives of the two sides concluded the 37th plenary session of the JLG Wednesday, the last plenum meeting of the group.

The Sino-Portuguese JLG was set up in January 1988 as soon as the Sino-Portuguese Joint Declaration went into effect. It was decided that the work of the JLG would come to an end on January 1, 2000.

"In the 12 years, the two sides have been working on the basis of practical conditions in Macao and taken into consideration the overall situation of Sino-Portuguese relations and the long-term interests of Macao," said Han Zhaokang, chief representative of the Chinese side of the liaison group.

In accordance with the articles enshrined in the Joint Declaration, the JLG has created favorable conditions for the smooth transfer of power, Han said.

"Once more, the 37th plenary session was a conference in which the two sides had participated with an active, pragmatic and constructive attitude, and the results of the session were favorable," Han said.

Santana Carlos, chief representative of the Portuguese side of the Sino-Portuguese JLG, also gave affirmative comments on the achievements made by the liaison group in the past years.

The two sides have made concerted efforts in resolving a number of questions related to the handover, and some remaining issues will surely be handled well in the days left, according to the chief representatives.

In the past dozen years, the Sino-Portuguese JLG held 37 plenary sessions. In addition, there were 55 formal meetings of the two chief representatives and numerous meetings of subordinate panels and relevant specialists.

The two sides have reached consensus on Macao's joining 46 international organizations before and after the handover. And 141 international conventions have been approved by the JLG to be applied in the future Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR).

In the meantime, officials from both sides have reached consensus on 26 local franchise contracts which stride the handover, and on the region's aviation agreements with 34 countries around the world. The two sides also exerted concerted efforts to make two commercial banks in Macao enjoy the right of issuing banking notes.

"The work of the liaison group has created favorable external conditions for the long-term social and economic development of the Macao SAR," Han said.

With less than 40 days left for the handover, officials of the two sides will deepen their consultations on the matters directly related to the handover ceremony, as well on the detailed arrangements regarding the stationing of Chinese troops in the Macao SAR, the chief representatives said.

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