Chief Executive Encourages HK Students to Cultivate Abilities

HKSAR Chief Executive Tung Chee-Hwa encouraged Hong Kong students in Hong Kong on November 11 to cultivate their abilities and contribute to the long-term goal to develop Hong Kong into a world-class city.

Tung visited the Hong Kong Baptist University Thursday and held a dialogue with its students in the first of a series of visits to tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.

The chief executive took the opportunity of the visit to officiate at the foundation stone laying and time capsule ceremonies of the Jockey Club School of Chinese Medicine Building and at the inauguration of the Academic Community Center and the center for the advancement of English for professionals.

"We do hope that when this time capsule is unearthed, Hong Kong people will be enjoying much cleaner air as a result of our efforts over the next few years," said Tung.

Tung exchanged views with about 60 students on a wide range of topics.

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