Colombia Authorizes Extradition of Venezuelan to US

Colombian Supreme Justice Court on November 10 authorized the extradition of the alleged Venezuelan drug trafficker, Fernando Jose Flores, to the United States.

The authorization of the handing over of the Venezuelan, who was involved with the drug trafficking cartel of Cali, to the United States, is the second to receive the green light from the Supreme Court, after the decision to hand over Colombian Jaime Orlando Lara Nausa on Tuesday.

Both decisions need ratification by the executive power within a ten day period.

In Colombia, the extradition of nationals was abolished in 1991, but was later re-established in 1997.

The president of the penal court said that the authorization of the handing over of Venezuelan Fernando Jose Flores to the United States was agreed upon due to the constitutional reform made in 1997.

If confirmed, the extradition of these two people will be the first ones since the law was reinstigated.

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