Short-Term Interbank Trading Brisk In October

China's interbank money trading volume for October totaled 56.76 billion yuan during the month's 18 trading days and was mostly in short term deals.

The turnover included 23.57 billion yuan in credit, 32.44 billion yuan in repurchased bonds, and 747 million yuan in spot bond transaction.

The month's interbank trading in credit was most active for one-day and seven-day transactions, with one-day deals accounting for 54.8 percent of the credit volume, and the repurchasing transactions most active in terms of seven-day and 14-day forms, with seven-day accounting for half of the business.

The October weighted average interbank lending rates and repurchasing rates were 2.74 percent and 2.61 percent, respectively, roughly the same level as in September.

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