Chinese Painting, Calligraphy Exhibition Opens at UN

A Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition opened in the United Nations on November 8 the visitors lobby of the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The exhibition, with the theme "Nature and Humanity", was sponsored by the Chinese Mission to the United Nations in cooperation with the United Nations Department of Public Information and artists from the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

This exhibition comprises about 80 great and valuable works of painting and calligraphy of about 28 outstanding contemporary artists, including masters like Qi Gong, Wu Guangzhong, Bai Xueshi, Guan Shanyue and Li Xiongcai.

Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Qin Huasun launched the opening of the exhibition by saying "I always believe that we live in a colorful kaleidoscopic world, the beauty of which lies in its diversity and plurality."

Qin said " Each nation, with a different historic background, a different culture, a different language, and its own unique way of understanding and appreciating life and beauty, acts and interacts, composing a real colorful and a real gorgeous picture."

"It is in this diversity that we find beauty and harmony, as in a Chinese painting, tall mountains are often accompanies by murmuring streams, magnificence coexists with grace ad charm...," said Qin.

"If diplomacy is an important way for governments to interact, art is no doubt one of the best ways for different nations and peoples to appreciate each other, as it is without border, it is expressive, it is easy to strike an accord," added Qin.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, UN Under-Secretary-General Kensaku Hogen, along with hundreds of UN diplomats and staff as well as reporters, represented the opening of the exhibition.

Chinese painting and calligraphy is dazzling pearl in the art treasure-house of the world. Chinese painting formed its unique style almost 1700 years ago. Ever since that time, the charm and beauty of landscape, flowers and birds have become a timeless subject of the Chinese painting masters.

By depicting the charm and beauty of landscape, flowers and birds, the artists express their feelings through the painting of nature. With their paintings, they try to interpret the high degree of harmony between humanity and nature and understanding of the relationship between the environment and sustainable development, thus opening up an ideal world in front of the beholders.

Preserving the ecological environment and achieving sustainable development have been important topics for discussion at the United Nations in recent years, especially after the convocation of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. It is more than appropriate to have these works displayed at the United Nations to manifest their love towards nature.

Now as humanity is about to enter a new millennium, the exhibition, which will be on view from November 8 to 18, may give one the feeling of harmony and enlightenment. (Xinhua)

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