Russian Envoy to UN Visits Kosovo

Russia's ambassador to the United Nations, Sergei Lavrov, arrived in Pristina, capital of Kosovo, on November 7 for a two-day visit to the Yugoslavia's war-torn province, the Tanjug news agency reported.

The Russian envoy held talks at Pristina airport with Stanimir Vukichevich, chairman of the Yugoslavia's Committee of Cooperation with the UN administration in Kosovo (UNMIK), and Zoran Andjelkovich, president of the Kosovo's provincial executive committee, on the situation in Kosovo.

The two Yugoslav officials told Lavrov that violence and terrorism acts targeted at non-Albanian residents, including Serbs, have constantly taken place since the KFOR peacekeeping force and the UNMIK entered Kosovo.

The KFOR and the UNMIK should bear responsibility for the worsening situation in the region as they take an indulgent attitude to the Albanians' violent acts, they said.

After the talks, Lavrov told reporters that the international community must strictly abide by the obligations contained in the UN Security Council Resolution 1244.

During his visit, Lavrov is also expected to meet with UNMIK chief Bernard Kouchner and Commander of the KFOR peacekeeping force General Klaus Reinhardt.

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