Research, deployment of ABM System Unpopular

The research and deployment of the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system goes against the will of the people, according to Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao in Beijing on November 6.

He made the remarks when commenting on the adoption of a resolution on the preservation of and compliance with the Anti- Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM Treaty) by the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly Friday.

"This reflects the will and determination of the international community to oppose the deployment of the ABM system and the revision of the ABM Treaty by certain countries," Zhu said, adding that China, as one of the co-sponsors of the resolution, expressed heart-felt gratitude for those countries which voted in favor of the resolution.

A certain country has made great efforts to develop the National Missile Defense plan and worked with some other countries in researching and producing advanced Theater Missile Defense system in recent years, with an attempt to seek their absolute security and strategic advantages, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said, noting that this directly runs counter to the purpose and objective of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and is not conducive to international peace and stability.

"This should be definitely opposed by the international community," he stressed.

Zhu quoted an old Chinese saying that a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support, adding that the research and deployment of the Anti-Ballistic Missile system goes against the will of the people.

"China urges countries concerned to seriously heed the strong voice of the international community, and abandon the Anti-Ballistic Missile plan which not only harms others, but does not benefit themselves," Zhu said. (Xinhua)

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