Chinese And Hungarian Foreign Ministers Hold Talks

Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan held talks with Martonyi Janos, foreign minister of the Hungarian People's Republic.

Bilateral relations and the international issues were discussed.

Tang said that China and Hungary have just celebrated the 50th years of diplomatic relations. Over the past 50 years, bilateral relations have greatly developed.

Tang said that China values its relation with Hungary and appreciates Hungary's position that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

Tang expressed his hope that the friendly cooperation between the two countries will reach a new stage through concerted efforts.

Martonyi said that the relations between China and Hungary have reached new developments in the past decade and have built a constructive partnership. The two countries respect each other's social systems and national interests.

Martonyi said that Hungary will continue to support China's territorial integrity and its "one China" position.

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