Xinhua Denounces Lee Teng-hui's "Two Chinas" Remarks

China's official news agency Xinhua published a commentary November 3 condemning Lee Teng-hui's "two Chinas" remarks in an essay in the November/October issue of the US-based Foreign Affairs bimonthly.

While the island province is still plagued by the aftermath of a devastating earthquake, Lee Teng-hui has begun to make his political views clear again by publishing a long article.

Lee Teng-hui is determined to continue this political line, regardless of the interests of Taiwan compatriots, the Xinhua commentary says. In his article, Lee says that the international community has gradually become accustomed to the Chinese government's remarks on the Taiwan issue.

However, the "peaceful reunification" and "one country, two systems" policy of the Chinese government has been applauded around the world, the Xinhua commentary says, noting that Lee's

article does everything in its power to damage cross-straits relations.

It is Lee who has distanced himself from the international community by stubbornly challenging the one China principle. In fact, the international community opposes Lee's "two nations" statement. Lee's splittist attempt threatens the existence and development of Taiwan and the interests of Taiwan compatriots, the commentary says.

The Xinhua commentary quotes the Taiwan media as disclosing that Lee's article was written by a group of his senior aides and rewritten by Lee himself. Lee's requests for publishing the article, however, were turned down many times.

The commentary also says that Lee has been criticized in Taiwan for his inability to deal with earthquake relief work, adding that Lee has spared no efforts to preventing the mainland from aiding earthquake victims in Taiwan. (Xinhua)

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