Guangzhou Invites Overseas Students Back with Attractive Offers

Guangzhou, capital of China's Guangdong Province, is trying to get Chinese students who have studied abroad and gained scientific and technological expertise to come back and work in the city.

It has worked out a regulation encouraging returning students to put their skills to work, a local education official says, and the Guangzhou Experiment Zone for Returning Students in the Guangzhou Economic Development Zone will try to provide an favorable environment for scientific research projects, technological development and investment.

A series of policies have also come up to facilitate the relocation of the returning students along with tax reduction, lower housing charges, and convenience in getting start-up capital.

The city has set up a special fund to improve living and working conditions for the returning students and to hold international exchange and cooperation programs.

Chinese students studying abroad started returning in the early 1990s to Guangzhou, whose booming economy invites scientific and technological expertise for development. (Xinhua)

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