Chinese Skaters Set World 3,000m Relay Record

A Chinese 3,000-meter relay team set a world record at the Short-track Speed Skating World Cup Sunday in Provo, Utah, the United States.

The team, including big Yang Yang and small Yang Yang, Wang Chunlu and Sun Dandan, knocked five seconds off the old mark of four minutes and 16.260 seconds set by a South Korean team during the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, Japan.

Canada finished second and Bulgaria wound up third in the event.

South Korea won the men's 5,000m relay in 7:06.335, followed by Japan, 7:07.890, and Canada, 7:29.602.

Olympic champion Kim Dong-Sung of South Korea won the men's 1, 000m race in 1:35.436, ahead of Japanese Satoru Terao's 1:35.583 and Apolo Ohno of the United States, 1:36.527.

China's Li Jiajun, who entered the race ranked No. 2, was disqualified and received a yellow card after he bumped Ohno and Kim Dong-Sung.

Kim also triumphed in the men's 3,000m event in 4:54.748, with Terao second and Li Jiajun third.

Evgenia Radanova of Bulgaria won the women's 1,000m in 1:35.038. Choi Min-Kyung of South Korea was second in 1:35.389 ahead of her teammate Park Hye-Won, 1:35.554.

Choi Min-Kyung also won the 3,000m in 5:17.741, in front of Canada's Tania Vicent and Radanova.

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