Expert Predicts 4 Percent Growth in China's Export

China may witness a four percent growth rate in export by the end of this year, China Daily 's Business Weekly reported October 1.

Quoting a trade expert's prediction, the Daily said that China' s trade surplus will stand at 25 billion US dollar this year. Customs' statistics showed that China's exports grew by 2.1 percent during the first three quarters.

The expert, according to the paper, attributed the export growth to recent economic recovery of southeast Asian countries, South Korea and Japan. The strengthening of the Japanese yen against the US dollar has also lessened the exchange rate's negative influence on China's exports.

China has raised export tax rebates for several times since last year. The tax rebates for machinery and electronic products, textiles and garments have approached zero, which has strongly boosted China's export, according to the expert. (Xinhua)

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