An Illuminating Pearl in Heaven: Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone
A feature article calls Hangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone "a bright pearl in heaven". Excerpts from the article are as follows:
By the end of last year, 103 foreign-funded enterprises from l5 countries and regions were operating in the zone including 21 noted transnationals 5 pillar industries in the zone involve machinery, electronics, chemicals, biomedicine, light industry, foodstuffs, textile and dyeing
Founded in 1992, the zone has yielded striking gains. In 1997, the zone's economic growth accounted for 15% of Hangzhou's total; 9 enterprises' output value topped 100 million yuan; 3 foodstuff enterprises are among China's top ten such enterprises. In 1998, there were 18 enterprises whose output value had each topped 100 million yuan.
The zone became a pharmaceutical production base 3 years ago, having drawn 7 American, Japanese, German and domestic investors with a total investment of US$80.37 million and 150 million yuan.
Over the past 6 years, the zone had US$1.64 billion from foreign-funded enterprises and 3.25 billion yuan from home enterprises.
In 1998, the zone boasted 450 million yuan in financial revenue. And all development funds have been recouped and now the zone has started make contribution to the country.
HomeNews 1999-01-30 Page1
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