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Division of Telecom Business Operation in China

����* An Interview with Academician Hu Qiheng

����* Hu Qiheng, vice-chairman of the Chinese Science and Technology Association and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has helped build the first cross-department computer system. Excerpts:

����* Question; What is your view on the upcoming division of the telecom business operation in China and the readjustment of the telcom charges?

����* Answer: The division of Chins's telecom business operation is a good thing. Telecom involves national economic lifelines and national security as well. Telecom is monopolized in any country in its early phase, but the monopoly is broken down later. This is a law.

����* Q: The division plan has not made public yet. What is your view on what will be the results out of the division?

����* A: Views are divided It is expected there will be a balance of power after the division which can create genuine competition.

����* Q: To what extent will be the competition?

����* A: The effects of computer networking is irresistible. A lot of things of the country will be done on the networking. And a great number of talents are needed to operate the networking and ensure the security of the networking.The competitiveness of our country will be affected provided our education and scientific and technological advancement is lagging. So the division of the telecom business operation is not insignificant.

Economicnews 1999-01-17 Page4

Full Story in Chinese

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