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International Forum: A Perspective View of 1999

  At the beginning of the New Year, we should review the past and consider the future. We have to think about the following two questions: Whether the world's security can be safeguarded and whether the global economy can grow instead of declining.

  The United States and Britain may attack Iraq again in 1999, which will seriously threaten the norm of international relationship and the world's security order. The stern attitude of Iraq and the anti-Saddam mood of the Arabic nations provide excuse and convenience for military actions of the United States and Britain.

  NATO will revise its new stratagem in April, which is proposed by the United States and aiming at giving a free rein to NATO actions with no authorization of the UN Security Council and the European Security Commission. The role of the UN Security Council will be weakened and the prospect of the world's security order will be more unpredictable when should the United States succeed and other non-membership countries cannot participate in its affairs.

  The United States and Japan will speed up realization of their missile defense system in this year. China will definitely act correspondingly should it include Taiwan. India has announced to continue its test and storage of nuclear weapons. US President Bill Clinton also proposed for an additional amount of US$12 billion to US military expenditure. A shadow has been hanging on the mind of military control experts.

  A rising temperature is being presented at all regional hot points as a result of various turbulent factors that have become more active. The Palestine-Israeli conflicts, incessant terrorist activities of the ethnic Albanian in Kosovo and the rebelling forces of Angola and Sierra Leone are all the seeds bringing regional instability.

  Whether Japan, Asia and Latin America can free themselves from difficulties in putting an end to economic recession of the world economy are unforeseeable. The sharp revaluation of the yen is no good for Japan to get rid of current recession and the sudden devaluation of the Brazilian real is by no means a good piece of news to the international finance. The conflicts between the European Parliament and the European Commission may have their impact on the confidence in the Euro.

  To sum up the international situation in 1999, peace is the main stream, but there are some war factors; development is the main trend while opportunities and challenges still exist. Fortunately China, France and Russia at the UN Security Council take a common stand against the United States and Britain's wanton military strike on Iraq; European member countries in the NATO, represented by France, disagree with the New NATO Strategy proposed by the United States; the financial crisis stricken ASEAN is re-establishing confidence to revitalize their economy; the G7 have reached consensus on the reform of the existing international financial system. These are all the positive factors to make the international situation develop toward positive direction.

  Under this situation, all members of the international community should and must have their own choice: a peaceful, stable, safe and developing 21st century, or to the contrary.


WorldNews 1999-01-15 Page6

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