Wed,Sep 25,2013

Editor's Pick

China becomes one of the top three ODI investors

(People's Daily Online)    08:32, September 25, 2013
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Edited and translated by Liang Jun, People's Daily Online

New government data indicates that China's outbound direct investment (ODI) in 2012 reached a record high of 87.8 billion U.S. dollars, up 17.6 percent from the previous year and placing China in the top three of the world's largest outward investors.

The Ministry of Commerce, National Bureau of Statistics and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange jointly issued China's "2012 Annual Statistical Bulletin of China's foreign direct investment" on Sunday.

The bulletin shows Chinese enterprises completed 457 overseas acquisitions in 2012 with an actual transaction value of 43.4 billion U.S. dollars, both figures representing record highs.

Data show that China's outbound investment covers more than 80 percent of countries and regions worldwide and investment stock is highly concentrated.

As of the end of 2012, China's 16,000 domestic investors have established nearly 22,000 ODI enterprises in 179 countries or regions and investment in the top 20 countries and regions totaled about 475.1 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 89.3 percent of the total value.

Some 4.05 billion U.S. dollars were invested in the United States, an increase of 123.5 percent year-on-year. After Hong Kong, the U.S. has become China's second largest investment destination.

In 2012, China's investment in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands amounted to about 3. 07 billion U.S. dollars, down 2.5 percent.

China's ODI covers all sectors of the national economy. Industries in which investment exceeds 10 billion U.S. dollars include leasing, business services, finance, mining, wholesale and retail, manufacturing, transportation/logistics, postal services, and construction.

However, there is still a wide gap in investment between China and the developed countries.

As of the end of 2012, China's ODI stood at 531.94 billion U.S. dollars, equivalent to only 10.2 percent of that of the U.S., 29.4 percent of the U.K, 34.4 percent of Germany, 35.5 percent of France and 50.4 percent of Japan.


(Editor:LiangJun、Zhang Qian)

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