ANC wins South Africa's general elections

South Africa's ruling African National Congress (ANC) won general elections, according to latest results on Friday morning.

Provisional results out by 07:26 a.m. (0526 GMT) showed the ANCin the national lead with 9,587,272 votes or 69.63 percent, followed by the DA with 1,755,521 or 12.75 percent.

The voting counting results showed that the turnout for Wednesday's elections stands at 76.79 percent. More than 20.6 million South Africans were registered to vote in the third non-racial elections on April 14.

Up to now, a total of 13,992,012 votes have been counted and released on the computer network, and about 1.8 million votes still remain uncounted or not released.

The Independent Electoral Commission is going to hold a press conference in Pretoria at 9 this morning.

President Thabo Mbeki was among 8,000 candidates from 37 political parties contesting across the country for more than 800 seats of the national and provincial parliaments.

Source: Xinhua

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