BFA achieves progress in enhancing dialogues between Asia and rest of world

China holds that the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) has achieved substantial progress in enhancing dialogues and exchanges between Asian countries and the rest of the world since it is founded in 2001, said Kong Quan, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman, Thursday.

Kong said the annual meeting of the BFA, slated for April 24-25 in China's southernmost Hainan island province, will draw high-level representatives from home and overseas. Chinese President Hu Jintao will attend the meeting and make a keynote speech, he said.

The basic purpose of the BFA is to deepen the economic exchanges, coordination and cooperation between Asian countries, as well as strengthen dialogues and communications between Asian countries and the rest of the world, Kong said, adding that the BFA provides a high-level dialogue platform for governments, enterprises, experts and scholars to discuss issues in the fields of economy, trade and social development.

Kong said the theme for this year's BFA is "A Win-Win Asia: Asia That Opens Up to the World."

"We can see from the theme that Asian countries expect to further enhance exchanges and cooperation in various fields with the world, so as to realize common development and prosperity," hesaid.

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