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Op-Ed: Understand the reality of energy poverty before pointing the finger at China

Earlier this month, The Financial Times did a report on the Belt and Road Initiative and the development of new coal-fired power plants outside China,…[More]

China’s Xinjiang provides focused assistance to areas of extreme poverty

Thanks to the unremitting efforts of China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Turghun Rose , a man from a registered poor family in Awati township of…[More]

Chinese wisdom can be used to tackle climate change: former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

The Global Center on Adaptation, a managing partner of the Global Commission on Adaptation, which is guided by 19 countries including China, opened it…[More]

To help the poor, motivate them first: poverty alleviation stories in south China's Hainan

In the early summer, rain showers come and go. Tall coconut trees and rubber trees line both sides of the roads. Although it is muggy and overcast, th…[More]

Open content platforms offer a hand to country’s poverty alleviation efforts

Open content platforms have become an effective channel to assist China’s poverty alleviation efforts, through advertising farm products in various fo…[More]

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