Unexpected visitors
As the membership of Lin's website grew, he found out that not all the members were looking for the same thing.
In the beginning, he checked on the identity of each user in order to ensure they all were interested in a marriage without sex. Users without his approval could not register on the website. But now he does not have enough time for such personal attention.
For a time, he kept receiving complaints from some members who claimed they were being sexually harassed by other members. Lin then found out that there were closeted homosexuals on the site, sometimes seeking out other people in the same situation.
"Originally, I would say no to their registration requests. But after chatting with them I understood their needs for building a 'family in appearance' because of pressure from their families," Lin said. "So I accepted their membership requests." But he had conditions for letting them in.
"I don't want this website to become an ordinary dating website or a place where they found a sex life," he said.
At this time, 70 percent of the users seek a life without sex, and the other 30 percent are homosexuals seeking social cover. New members need to choose either "sexless marriage" or "marriage in appearance" during the first step of his site's online registration.
Nonetheless, he finds that despite his efforts, gay members are still using the site for dating. With this experience in mind, he has opened up another website, called the "China marriage of convenience website."
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