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Review of Chinese Navy's escort missions in Gulf of Aden in past 4 years (2)

(China Military Online)

08:35, December 27, 2012

Displaying new image of Chinese Navy

In the past four years, the Chinese naval escort taskforces have been keeping informing the outside the information they owned on the activities of suspicious ships through network mailbox and radio station every day and shared information resources with 50-odd warships of 20-plus countries and organizations. Besides, the taskforces have also actively carried out extensive and in-depth cooperation and exchanges with escort forces of various countries,

On September 10, 2009, the Chinese and Russian naval escort taskforces conducted a joint escort mission, during which they carried out exchanges and cooperation on command, communication, special situation handling, etc.

On May 13, 2012, the Chinese and South Korean naval escort taskforces organized a joint military drill during which helicopters of the two sides landed on each other's warships for the first time.

Since the 2nd Chinese naval escort taskforce, the Chinese Navy has established a new mechanism of organizing escort warships to pay friendly visits to foreign countries, and the Chinese naval escort taskforces have successfully paid friendly visits to more than 20 countries, such as India, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Singapore.

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