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English>>China Society

Fired officials aided poachers (2)

By Chang Meng (Global Times)

08:49, November 29, 2012

"Only 54 species of wild animals can be reproduced, raised, used and traded commercially with a license," an expert from the China Wildlife Conservation Association, surnamed Guo, told the Global Times.

Zhenwei, a local restaurant that served the poached animals, is designated to host official receptions. CCTV reported that much of its business is from the official events.

Zhou Changsheng, deputy director of the county's office responsible for the use of public funding, said the facilities and sanitary condition were the only selection standards.

"We are shocked to know that Zhenwei is selling wild animals," Zhou said.

The county's office could not be reached for comment on whether wild animals were served at official receptions.

Zixi has started to establish a long-term supervision mechanism over poaching.

The National Forestry Bureau also assigned an inspection team to the county Tuesday in a bid to investigate the rampant poaching activities, hours after the news report.

An official from the national bureau told the Global Times that six other inspection teams will be sent to oversee wildlife protection works around the country in the next few days.

【1】 【2】

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