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What influence has Gaza conflict brought? (3)

(People's Daily Online)

17:06, November 28, 2012

What has changed and what remains unchanged after the conflict

The stance of Arab countries remains unchanged. They still call for the international community to shoulder the responsibility of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian and Arab-Israeli conflicts though political means.

The stance of Egypt, which just experienced regime change, also remains unchanged. It has continued to serve as a neutral mediator, and has not directly intervened in the conflict.

The conflict has again shown the close relations between Israel and the United States. At the request of Israel, U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton visited the two sides to solve the problem, which makes the ceasefire agreement possible.

What has changed is the relationship between Palestine National Liberation Movement (Fatah) and Hamas. The conflict has improved their intense relations.

It is not easy for the two rival Palestinian factions to reunite after a five-year rift. Fatah and Hamas will act according to the regional situation and their own interests, and true reconciliation is only achievable when they find enough common interests.

Read the Chinese version: 加沙一战带来什么影响?, source: Xinhua, author: Lv Yingxu, Chen Xu

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