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English>>Foreign Affairs

China's positive energy (I): Booming itself and contributing to the world (2)

(People's Daily Online)

09:44, November 10, 2012

China has become the main engine of the world economic resurgence and growth when the developed countries, including the United States, Europe and Japan, are beset with the economic and financial crisis and even were faced with social unrests.

Fu witnessed the activities in which Chinese leaders participated to coordinate and enhance the global confidence, and believed they are beneficial to China because they strengthened the influence of China and increased the confidence and capacity of Chinese entrepreneurs.

When participating in the international conferences, Fu often heard discussions about China: Why can the manpower and wealth and material resources be quickly concentrated to solve the major social difficulties in China? Why can China adhere to the correct policies for a long time?

In the eyes of Fu, China shows the charm of the system and road of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the world with its own achievements.

"We have a strong and representative political party and leading group, a democratic and centralized decision-making process, effective and ever-improving implementing and monitoring agencies and abundant historical and cultural heritage. Chinese people have accumulated plenty of experiences and tremendous motive power. The success of China again proved, enriched and developed the diversity of the world," Fu said.

Read the Chinese version: 中国贡献,和平发展正能量(一):繁荣自身,回馈世界; Source: People's Daily; Author: Liu Huaxin, Li Feng, Wu Lejun

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