"As the Christmas sales commence, retailers will be hoping that enough countries have now come out against import taxes to kill them off for good," Gray said.
"A 58 percent duty would place many products out of reach of low-income families and will punish retailers already struggling to absorb energy bills, rents, rates and labor costs rising well above inflations," he said.
Gray called the Commission's plan to impose duties on Chinese ceramic products as "flawed," and being designed to "protect the interests of a few uncompetitive European producers at the expense of consumers and retailers."
"Protectionist measures are not the solution to Europe's economic problems. A more open marketplace and making European industry more competitive on the global stage is the only way out of the crisis," he added.
"We hope the opposition to these duties is an indication of a new determination among the majority of EU states to face down protectionism," Gray said.
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